How to achieve anything through the power of the mind

How To Achieve Anything Through The Power Of The Mind?

I’m assuming you have a lot of dreams and goals you want to achieve. However, you might be like the countless people that I’ve been talking to lately who are feeling constantly overwhelmed and stressed out. No matter how much you work, you feel like you never get enough done. Or maybe you’re feeling scattered and unfocused all the time. Your brain may seem never to settle. Or perhaps you’re procrastinating and that creates a ton of anxiety. Or maybe you are successful and you’re ready for the next level. 

I believe that you’re reading this post for a reason. Above all, you are unique in your talents, skills and gifts and you have so much to offer to the world and ready to achieve your heart desires.

Therefore, I created a system that is called the 5-R formula. It allows me to be positively productive, and confident as the CEO of my coaching business to effectively reach the goals I’ve set for myself and my business. Let’s start revealing the first step.

Refine Your Goals (to achieve anything)

In order to achieve anything you want you gotta start at the beginning. By refining your goals. Aka decide what you want! I can help you achieve anything you want, well almost anything. But you have to tell me what that is. Most importantly, you have to tell yourself what that is.

Question: “What is it that you really really want?”

The problem many of us are facing is that we don’t really know what we want. That is to say that, it’s not clear and specific enough. It’s not something you learn in school and they should!

Our mind is like a supercomputer, it works on information and data that we feed into it. Like our vision, thoughts, beliefs and opinions about ourselves and the world around us. If we don’t know what we want or where we’re heading to, your supercomputer doesn’t work.

Deciding exactly what you want is the first step in achieving it. 

Recognize Limiting Beliefs

Recognizing Limiting or Negative beliefs about yourself and the world around you is the second step in achieving anything you want.

I want to share about a video of a 2 year old girl that went viral on the internet. In this video you see the girl sitting in the living room and walking up to the television. She started to swipe the television screen from left to right. And nothing happens. She looked confused and disappointed and almost broke down in tears. To sum it up, this girl created the belief that you can swipe EVERY screen in the last 2 years of her life.

Imagine how many beliefs you’ve created in the past 10, 20, 30 or even 40 years?

So, what’s your belief system?

It’s your set of beliefs, opinions, values about yourself and the world around you. It’s how you see and perceive things and how you form an opinion and judgment. We all have different belief systems, and a set of rules we live by. 

Do you see challenges or do you see opportunities?

If all your life you think you’re not good enough, not smart enough, not skilled enough, not strong enough, not charming enough, it’s affecting the way you live and how your self-image and self-esteem look like.

In other words, these toxic negative thoughts which are caused by your deep rooted limiting beliefs you’ve created in your mind the last decades are standing in the way between you and your big goals. If you keep continuing this way, you will never achieve anything you want.

We have to change your limiting beliefs.

How do we do that?

Replace With Positive Beliefs

Replace your negative beliefs with positive ones. It’s as simple as that. Crush your limiting beliefs and start adopting a new and positive one. Moreover, positive beliefs that are ready to serve you and get you closer to your goals and start achieving anything you want. You have the life changing power to re-program your brains and upgrade your beliefs anytime you want. 

Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our achievements. You’re just one step away from changing your thoughts and start feeling better. 

At this moment, I want you to replace your limiting negative beliefs with positive beliefs that serve you, thoughts that motivate and encourage you to think, feel and choose better. Focus on good thoughts for 10-20 seconds, you may close your eyes if you need to now. Really absorbing and storing the new positive beliefs in your long-term memory.

Repeat New Beliefs

The next thing is repeating these new beliefs until they become natural to you. Just like driving a car or brushing your teeth. Isn’t it fascinating to know that you can actually use your mind to change your brain, reach your goals and increase happiness levels? Neuroscientists discovered that you CAN create new behaviors and belief systems by rewiring and reprogramming your brain.

Our brain cells communicate with each other and the more they communicate the stronger the connection becomes. The more the neurons are fired up together the more they are wired. What you focus on Will grow stronger. With enough repetition, these behaviors become automatic. Just like reading, driving and riding a bike are examples of complicated behaviors that we do automatically because neural pathways have formed. Repetition Is the key principle in neuroplasticity.

Besides, you also know that when you learn something new, you are not mastering the new skill yet. It requires practice and repetition until you come to the point you are doing the skill without even thinking about doing it, just like driving a car, learning a new language or waking up at 6 am every morning. The brain simply believes whatever you tell it most.

Re-imagine A New Self (and start achieving anything)

Let’s work on our new self image shall we?

So what is visualization? Visualization on its own, means picturing in your mind the outcome of something before it actually happened. Whether this is a task, such as doing a team presentation, or the person you want to become, or the future you envision.

You see, the science behind all this is a big revelation. Your brain can’t tell the difference between imagination or reality! Boom! You see, the brain loves visual images. Firstly, when you start to visualize, your amygdala – which is the tiny structure in the center of  the brain – has trouble seeing the difference between something that is seen during a visualization and something that is actually happening in real life. Secondly, how cool is it that you can hack your brain!

So, why not imagine yourself successful?

Therefore, because the truth is, you are a born creator with an ability to bring your ideas and dreams into reality! Stacking small wins will help you build momentum and confidence to keep going and achieve your goals.

The most powerful words in the universe are the words you say to yourself. Here’s a reminder of one of life’s biggest keys to success: Each of us is responsible for our own experience of life. Always and in all ways. 

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